Lost Liberties: The War Measures Act
Photo compliments of Glenbow Archives, NC-54-4336

Lost Liberties: The War Measures Act will be on display from February 2 - June 22, 2024. Exploring the suspension of civil liberties in Canada during the First World War, the Second World War, and the 1970 October Crisis, Lost Liberties — The War Measures Act sheds new light on the enduring impact of the Act on Canada and its people. The travelling exhibition examines the internment of Canadians of Ukrainian origin and other nationalities during the First World War, the internment of Italian Canadians and the internment and forced relocation of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War, and the arrest of hundreds of people in Quebec during the 1970 October Crisis. Lost Liberties probes the crises that drove these tragic events, and features poignant first-hand accounts from the men, women and children who lived through them.
This exhibit was developed by the Canadian Museum of History and generously supported by a grant from the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund.
Funding provided by the Exhibition Circulation Fund, Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada.