Little Stone Schoolhouse

The original Victoria School, now known as the Little Stone Schoolhouse (LSS), is Saskatoon's first school and public building. In 1967, the Saskatoon Council of Women raised money to renovate the building and officially opened the LSS as a museum. The LSS was designated a Municipal Heritage Property by the City of Saskatoon in 1982.
The Little Stone Schoolhouse (LSS) continues to play an important role in the Saskatoon community and on the University of Saskatchewan campus. The U of S took over the operation of the building in 1981 and the Diefenbaker Canada Centre has ensured the continued appreciation of this historical landmark. The main Little Stone Schoolhouse program focuses on a historical overview led by a costumed interpreter roleplaying as a Victorian-era schoolteacher. Through interactive, hands-on activities, students travel back to 1905 for a short lesson, including writing on old-fashioned slate boards. An extended LSS program also includes an opportunity to learn about settler life in Saskatchewan, where students participate in a variety of popular pioneer games. Annual open houses held in July and August are a great opportunity for families and visitors to get an up-close look at the LSS, participate in a craft activity and play some much-loved pioneer games.
The Little Stone Schoolhouse is only open for programming and special events.